



The MVS Xchamber vacuum sealers line is equipped with a range of technological content and highquality functions, while maintaining the utmost ease of use. Created through the collaboration with chefsand food industry professionals, these vacuum packaging machines have innovative features carved outof the needs of professional use, to meet all needs of the industry.The tactile switch keypad is hermetically applied to the front part of the machine, so that it prevents thefluid from seeping into the card. The command panel allows you to access 10 different programs, tailoredto the main needs of the industry.Many other features make these chamber vacuum sealers real gems. From messages to warn of theneed for oil change, to the presence of an electric sensor that reads the vacuum obtained in the chamber ­interpreting the data directly from the card­ up to the possibility of calibrating the vacuum packaging machine according to the altitude of use, in order to correct any variation in atmospheric pressure.